THE VOICE – Whose voice are you listening to?

            What does the word “voice” mean? It is someone’s opinion, beliefs or point of view. It what someone use to express his emotion and feelings. It is significant because it is used for communication and understanding each other.

            I Cor. 14:10 “There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without significant.”

This means that every voice in the world has value and may affect one’s life or the others and also may influence our lives. Whoever we listen to, there will always be an effect to how we think of things and how we respond. The kind of voice we choose to listen to determines the kind of life we are living.

What are the voices that capture our hearts? We tend to be exposed to a lot of things and there are probably specific voices that we listen mostly and have a great influence in our lives.

1. Our own voice. We tend to listen most of the time to our own voice because we feel comfortable and we always thought in favor of ourselves. This is one of the voices we mostly choose to listen to and obey. We thought that what we know is the best for us, hence, this can lead us to sin.

2. The voice of the world. The society tends to mold us into what is ideal to human and what is fit in the environment. It dictates us on how we should be and how we should live our lives. Moreover, we then do what the world wants us to do, to satisfy them. We ought to listen to the world’s voice because we always think on how not to be out of the league.

With these two voices, it shows that we listen to those voices that are sweet to our ears. Those voices which we find attractive and comfortable to listen to which we think make us enjoy our lives more. Still, the voice of the world varies, including our own voice. They confuse us and the right voice is being drowned by the sea of wrong voices which could lead us to the wrong path which God does not want us to take.

3. The voice of God. We all want to have an abundant and full life. We want to be contented and satisfied and there is only one voice that we need to listen to for us to be complete, God’s voice. John 10:10 says “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” This means that we living with the world do not have life and we will never experience abundance without God. And that by obeying to what He tells us to do, we will acquire the abundance of life that He promised.

How do we know that it is God’s voice that we are listening to? How do we listen to Him? Then these questions arise. There is only one way to know and that is by reading the Bible. His word will tell us what we should do and do not. By knowing His word, we also know His will for us. Through the reading of His word, we are able live abundantly because of His grace and because of the wisdom that He gives us.

Among all the voices that keep us confused and lost, there is one voice that always tells us the truth and if we choose to listen and obey to it, we can live that abundant life God has promised. The only voice that is beautiful and sweet to listen to is God’s voice.

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