In today's world healthy living and new age interests have become as trendy as the purse you carry. Everyday someone comes out and pledges their allegiance to the latest diet or juice cleanse. It is becoming more noticeable as you see many adorning themselves with those interestingly colored green and dark red drinks in hopes to rid themselves of toxins, lose weight, or just be apart of the movement. With so many on a quest for healthy and more purified bodies, I couldn't help but to consider how simple it would be and what a much better world we would live in if it is was that easy to detoxify your soul.
Toxic Thoughts
On the road to cleansing and renewing your soul, one most consider how your soul becomes impure in the first place. Two things immediately come to mind and they are toxic thoughts and toxic words. At least 75% of the world's diseases and illnesses that affect us as humans are directly linked to our thoughts. There are four types of thoughts that are the most toxic and not only damage us physically in the long run, but also mentally and emotionally. These toxic thoughts can be categorized as follows: negative thoughts, fearful thoughts, discontented thoughts, and critical thoughts.
Negative thoughts are generally used to describe all unwanted and unproductive thoughts. In this context, we will refer to negative thoughts as those that are related to self-confidence and self esteem. Out of over 300,000 thoughts in any given 24 period these thoughts probably take the highest percentage. Constant self-doubt and thinking about how badly your life sucks does nothing but ensure that your life will remain as it is or become worse.
Fearful thoughts reign King in holding you back from all the things you dream of doing. Fear is one of the most crippling emotions to deal with in life. The thing that makes fearful thoughts so toxic is that it's a thought that is very easily absorbed. Think about it; try to remember an example of a time when you dreamed of changing careers or living a different lifestyle. Now think of an instance when the first person you told shut you down with a fearful response. From that point on, how could you possibly give life to a dream when you have been made to think of nothing but the worst possible outcome from fearful thinking?
Sticks and Stones
The spoken and written word has the power to elicit strong emotions. A single word or simple phrase can touch your heart so deeply in an instant whether used positively or negatively. Words are able to inspire and give hope, bring laughter and love. But words with an irresponsible tongue give life to hatred, insecurity, and feelings of being completely powerless. Often time's people forget the actual words you speak to them, but they remember the emotional impact. Here lies the reason people have such a hard time getting over issues and forgiving each other. And presents the beauty, success, and celebration in forgiveness! When you are a conscious enough person to work through the pain, hurt, and result of your own hurtful words and the toxic words of another to be able continue communication and interaction without ill will, it is nothing short of a blessing. A blessing indeed, but also a lesson to be more careful with your words and their ability to breathe positivity and attract good things or to create negativity, chaos, and cause death to your dreams and relationships.
No Filter
Social media has become an amazing platform for sharing information, promoting business, and staying connected with friends and family all over the world. However, it is also a 24/7 gossip mill that encourages us to hashtag every moment of our lives both private and personal. It should come as no surprise the amount of negativity that is spread in a single hour of being plugged in to some of these social platforms. Absorbing so many views, perspectives and personal messages every time you receive a new alert can get down right exhausting. It comes as no surprise that "unplugging" has its own National Holiday to encourage people to be present in their own lives.
True Story
Several years ago a good friend was suffering through a terribly co-dependent relationship and dealing with a lot of self esteem issues. As if those two issues weren't enough, there was an extreme clash of personalities at her job. One day she had absolutely reached her limit! She somehow became very aware that not only was she taking in but also putting off a lot of negativity in her thoughts and words. What's amazing is she realized that she held the key to controlling this! It wasn't much at all, but whenever she was presented with words that did not uplift her or that were directed at her negatively she would literally put her hand up as a "stop sign" to alert people that she was not interested in that type of conversation. What I found the most shocking were the few people that thought she was being rude. However, as time marched on that simple gesture eventually helped her to filter what thoughts and words she allowed into her energy field. Victory came as she eventually became more positive, and left that job and boyfriend in the dust!
Start Now
Today I caution you to be very selective in the company you keep and the images, thoughts, and words you speak and absorb. These impressions create your dominant thoughts and play a huge role in the words you speak. Many adults of certain age deem it impossible to free themselves from certain habits. My belief is that if you have to be addicted to something let it be positivity and not toxicity. Grab hold of the good things and let the negative leave your mind without judgment. Allow your thoughts and words be a bridge to life you have always dreamed of living. Now is the perfect time to create a world that is an expression of your own positive thinking and the love you hold in your heart.
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