Know God's Will For Your Life - The Adventure of Being in His Presence to Get Direction For Life

Are you feeling lost? Does your life go in circles with no direction in particular? Do you yearn for having purpose in life?
Well, I have good news for you! Your whole life has already been planned even before you were born. Psalm 139 says that God wrote all your days in His book while you were still in your mother's womb.
God created you, gave you life and intricately designed your whole being with unique talents for a special assignment He has for you on earth. And, best of all, He didn't just abandon you to figure it all out by yourself. He wants to teach you and help you on your way.
You might be thinking, "But how can I find out what His plan for my life looks like? How can I contact God so He can guide my steps?"
First of all you have to understand that mankind chose to live separate from God. But God did not want it to stay that way, because He loves us so much. So He sent His Son Jesus to die for what held us separate from God: our sins.
That means your sins are no obstacle anymore for you to come into God's presence. If you accept this awesome gift Jesus made for you, you can confidently enter His presence today. He is waiting for you right now, with His arms wide open!
Once you have made this important decision, you are ready to experience an awesome adventure.
Start taking a block of your daily time to spend exclusively with Him. Just like in any other relationship, you have to invest your time to get to know Him intimately.
Then just start talking to Him, like you would with any other person. He is your Father, you can address Him confidently.
You might feel awkward at first, because He is a spirit and you cannot see Him, but He is there with you, that's for sure. The Bible states that He lives in you now!
That means that He will always be there wherever you go. You can talk to Him at 3:00 in the morning. He'll be there, ready to talk to you.
Now prepare yourself, things will start happening in your life! He will speak to you from your inside by giving you ideas, nudging you in a given direction and by putting desires into your heart.
He will also use the Bible to give you direction, so be sure to read it daily.
Don't rely on what you feel, just keep on going. A wonderful and life-changing relationship with God Himself will permeate and enrich all areas of your life. It will change your life forever.

I'd love to help you on your journey! You can get immediate access to my free e-book that will help you discover and develop your God-given talents, and my free e-course "7 Steps to Consistently Change Your Life" that will help you make the necessary changes to live a fulfilled and victorious life on earth! []
From Bettina Langerfeldt, who teaches people how to pursue their God-given gifts and talents by designing their own education with self-directed learning.
© 2008 Freedompioneer
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